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How to reinstall an opkg package?

To reinstall an opkg package use the following command:

opkg install <package_name> --force_reinstall

Being the <package_name>, the name of the package that you want to reinstall.

How to start/stop/restart Node-RED?

  • Start the Node-RED service with

    systemctl start node-red

  • Stop the Node-RED service with

    systemctl stop node-red

  • Restart the Node-RED service with

    systemctl restart node-red

  • Check Node-RED service status with

    systemctl status node-red

Where to store my projects in the eManager?

If you have an eManager Pro you can access to the /data partition.

Otherwise, if your eManager is not the Pro version, you can use the following directory:


Being <your_project_dir>the desired directory where the user wants to save their data and projects.

How to configure SSH port forwarding?

See this section.

How to check the coverage level of the modem?

See this section.

How to change the journald logs from volatile to persistent?

The use of persistent logs should be limited in time. Revert the changes to avoid running out of flash.

If our eManager is configured with volatile logs and we want to change it to persistent logs, the following steps must be followed:

  1. Update your eManager through Webadmin as explained here.

  2. Edit the /etc/systemd/journald.conf.d/journald.conf file by appending the following lines


  3. Execute the following commands:

    systemctl stop systemd-journald.service
    rm /var/log
    mkdir /var/log
    cp -R /var/volatile/log/* /var/log
    systemctl start systemd-journald.service

In order to turn the persistent journald logs into volatile again follow these steps:

  1. Edit the /etc/systemd/journald.conf.d/journald.conf file by deleting the lines


  2. Execute the following commands:

    systemctl stop systemd-journald.service
    cd /var/
    cp -R log/* volatile/log/
    rm -fr log
    ln -s volatile/log/ log
    systemctl restart systemd-journald.service

If you want more information about using journalctl commands to view and manipulate systemd logs, please check here.

How to install an opkg package in the eManager?

First of all, you can check which packages are already installed in your eManager using:

opkg list_installed

The list of packages that can be opkg-installed is here. You can also run:

opkg update
opkg list
in your eManager.

To install a new package execute:

opkg update
opkg install <package_name>
where <package_name> is the name of the desired package obtained from the list of available packages.

How to reinstall the original version of npm?

eManager images support very specific versions of npm. Updating npm without the official opkg package manager can lead to unstable behaviour.

In order to reinstall the npm version supported by the eManager execute the following commands in the eManager console with Internet connection:

opkg update && opkg upgrade
opkg install nodejs-npm --force-reinstall
systemctl restart node-red

How to access the eCore/eManager without knowing the IP?

eCore/eManager is designed to be managed via local Wifi/Ethernet network, hence IP addresses are crucial. Nevertheless, if the IP is not known one can still use the [HOSTNAME].local instead.

eCore/eMananager hostnames follow the pattern


where MODEL is one of:

  • eCore
  • eManager
  • eManager-Pro

and MAC_ADDRESS_SIX_LAST_DIGITS is a string consisting of the six last digits in the eCore/eManager MAC address.

The hostname can be used as a URL (the path in a web browser) to access the eCore/eManager by adding .local.

Accessing Node-RED (eManager only)

An eManager-Pro with MAC address F8DC7A313CE8 has hostname eManager-Pro-313CE8. In order to access the Node-RED editor of this eManager one can use the URL:


Accessing OTA Firmware Update (eCore only)

In order to access the OTA Firmware Update of an eCore with MAC address F8DC7A2CEFC7 you can use the URL:


How to install SQLite Node-RED node in the eManager?

To install the SQLite node in the eManager, the following steps must be followed:

  1. Update eManager packages using:

    opkg update

  2. Install core-buildessentials package using:

    opkg install packagegroup-core-buildessential

  3. Install SQLite package using:

    opkg install sqlite3

  4. Install SQLite node in Node-RED using:

    This step may take around 20 minutes.

    systemctl stop node-red
    cd /var/lib/node-red/
    npm install node-red-node-sqlite
    systemctl start node-red

How to include certificates in the eManager?

You can find the system certificates in the following path:


To add certificates in Linux, you must copy the certificate in the /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/cert.crt path and run:

sudo update-ca-certificates

To add certificates to Node-RED you must set an enviromental variable called NODE_EXTRA_CA_CERTS to the certificate path as follows:


How to install a Node-RED node without using palette manager?

In order to install new nodes through the console (without using palette manager graphical interface) use the following command:

npm install --no-audit --no-update-notifier --save --save-prefix="~" --production <NODE_NAME> --prefix /var/lib/node-red

where <NODE_NAME> is the name of the Node-RED node to be installed.

For example, in order to install the dashboard-evi@1.0.2 node, execute:

npm install --no-audit --no-update-notifier --save --save-prefix="~" --production dashboard-evi@1.0.2 --prefix /var/lib/node-red

Set a different default fixed IP address

The eManager is configured with a static IP address via Ethernet. This can be checked with

ip -c address  # using -c option for coloring `ip -c a` for short.
ip a output

Notice the pink IP in the 2: eth0 Ethernet interface section.

How to modify the static IP address

The NetworkManager built-in CLI nmcli is the perfect tool for modifying network settings via terminal.

In order to modify the static address for the Ethernet interface use the following command:

nmcli connection modify emod_eth0 ipv4.addresses <new_static_IP>
where <new_static_IP> is the new static IP address to use.

Persistent changes

Changes made by nmcli connection modidy [...] will be persistent to reboots but will not have immediate effect. In order for the changes to take effect it is enough to reboot the eManager, restart the NetworkManager service or use the command below.

Finally, use

nmcli connection up emod_eth0
for reactivating the Ethernet connection.

Connection Loss

If accessing eManager terminal via the default, this last command should produce connection loss. Your previous session has no longer access to and will eventually be closed.

Now the eManager should be accessible via

ssh root@<new_static_IP>
You can also check that <new_static_IP> appears in the output of ip -c a instead of

How to add an additional static IP address

NetworkManager can handle multiple static IP addresses. In this example we show how to add the secondary static IP address for the subnet (/24 for short).

nmcli connection modify emod_eth0 +ipv4.addresses ""
nmcli connection up emod_eth0
Use ip -c a to check the changes. ip a after adding a new IP address

How to remove a static IP address

In this example we show how to remove the secondary static IP address we added in the section above.

nmcli connection modify emod_eth0 -ipv4.addresses ""
nmcli connection up emod_eth0
After some seconds it won't appear at the ip -c a output anymore.

How to access an eManager from the Internet?

An eManager will typically be configured with a private IP, within one of the following ranges:

  • Class A: to (10/8 prefix)
  • Class B: to (172.16/12 prefix)
  • Class C: to (192.168/16 prefix)

To be able to access an eManager from the Internet it should have a public IP.

Keep in mind that eManagers with public IP addresses will eventually become targets for hacker attacks.

To avoid these security issues, it is recommended to create your own VPN or hire one.

You can find more information about how to create your own VPN here.

How to modify routes/metrics

See this section.

How to verify eManager modules and their current status?

To verify the modules connected to your eManager and their current status you can use Webadmin.

If you do not know the IP of your device, you can access Webadmin as it is explained here.

First you need to log in and then click Overview and Modules section. A screen as the one below should appear.


You can see a list of the modules that are connected to your eManager. Also, you can verify some modules characteristics:

  • ID: By default it is 1, unless you have multiple modules of the same type.
  • HW: Hardware version of the module.
  • FW: Firmware version of the module.
  • Status: If the module is being properly detected or not.