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Software Update Guide

Only available in eManager Pro.

If you need to update the entire system image in your eManager Pro you can follow the steps detailed in this section.


The eManager Pro has a partition named /data to prevent accidental data loss. For more details, please check here.

Step 1. Prepare the new image

First of all, prepare the new image to be deployed. The eManager image has .swu extension.

For example, one of the last available image versions for the eManager is the following:

We can see that the last part of the image specifies which version the image is. In this case the version is the one released in October 2022.

Step 2. Turn on your eManager

Turn on the eManager before proceeding to step 3.

Step 3. Connect to the software update tool

To access the software update tool you only need to paste the URL in a web browser. Once the eManager has started the following page appears.


Step 4. Drag and drop

Update the file prepared in step 1, in this example it is swupdate-emod-image-nodered-emanager-pro-v22.10.swu. To do that, simply drag and drop the file into the software update tool.



The new image will be updated in the device. This process can take 1 or 2 minutes. Do not turn off the power of the eManager during the process. It will reboot automatically, once the process has finished.
