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Network Interface Metrics

A metric is a value that is assigned to an IP route for a particular network interface. It identifies the cost that's associated with using that route.

Typically, the interface metric gives preference to a particular interface, such as using wired if both wired and wireless are available.

The eManager has different types of interfaces, each one with a different metric defined:

  • Ethernet
  • WiFi
  • PPP

If the eManager has more than one interface enabled, Internet traffic will go through the interface with the lowest metric.

If you have any preference regarding the connectivity method to access Internet, you can order the Etnernet/WiFi/Modem interfaces by priority in the Network/Tools section of the Webadmin. The eManager will internally modify the metrics so that the topmost interfaces are prioritized.

If multiple interfaces are available to your application, e.g. your eManager is set to reach Internet both via an Ethernet and WiFi, we recommend to enable the Connectivity check service in Network/Tools. This will allow eManager dynamically modify metrics if the most prioritized interface is not reaching the Internet even if the interface is UP.

How to change Ethernet/WiFi/Modem interface metric

Network interface metrics for Ethernet/WiFi/Modem can be changed using the Webadmin. First access Network section and then select Tools.

This section allows you to choose which interface has the highest priority to reach Internet with. Connectivity check should be enabled for the eManager to dynamically assign metrics to interfaces, so that if there is no ping to Internet via the top-most interface, the next available interface is used instead.

For more information about those configurations, check here.

Experts only

The nmcli/ip CLI tools can be used to manipulate network routes and metrics when the aforementioned settings aren't enough. However, this might produce conflicting results.