1) How to reinstall an opkg package?

To reinstall an opkg package, you have to use the following command:

opkg install <package_name> --force_reinstall

Being the <package_name>, the name of the package that you want to reinstall.

2) How to start/stop Node-RED?

systemctl start node-red is used to start the Node-RED service.

systemctl stop node-red is used to stop the Node-RED service.

Other Node-RED interesting commands that could help are:

systemctl restart node-red, which is used to restart the Node-RED service.

systemctl status node-red, which is used to see the current status of the Node-RED service.

3) Where to store my projects in the eManager?

If you have an eManager Pro you can access to the /data partition.

Otherwise, if your eManager is not the Pro version, you can use the following directory:


Being <your_project_dir>the desired directory where the user wants to save theid data and projects.

4) How to configure port forwarding?

If you want to configure port forwarding in your device, you can do it using ssh.

For example, if you want to make an ssh port forwarding to auto redirect the external port IP_eManager:80 to the IP_eManager:1880, you should use the following command:

ssh -L public_IP_eManager:80:localhost:1880 localhost -N


The ports that appear in the example can be changed.

5) How to check the level of coverage of the modem?

There are 2 possible ways to check the level of coverage of your modem:

  1. Open and check the file /run/modem_report.json.
  2. Check the LED colors. You can find the LED's codification here.

6) How to change the journald logs from volatile to persistent?

If our eManager is configured with volatile logs and we want to change it to persistent logs, the following steps must be followed:

Step 1. You have to update your eManager using:

opkg update
opkg upgrade

Step 2. You have to edit the /etc/systemd/journald.conf.d/journald.conf file and:

  • Add the Storage=persistent line at the end of the file.
  • Update the field ForwardToSyslog to yes.

Step 3. Execute the following commands:

systemctl stop systemd-journald.service
rm /var/log
mkdir /var/log
cp -R /var/volatile/log/* /var/log
systemctl start systemd-journald.service


Persistent logs must be used as an extraordinary tool for debug and must be limited in time, to avoid run out of flash.

If we want to turn the persistent journald logs into volatile again, you have to:

Step 1. You have to edit the /etc/systemd/journald.conf.d/journald.conf file and:

  • Delete the Storage=persistent line at the end of the file.
  • Update the field ForwardToSyslog to no.

Step 2. Execute the following commands:

systemctl stop systemd-journald.service
cd /var/
cp -R log/* volatile/log/
rm -fr log
ln -s volatile/log/ log
systemctl restart systemd-journald.service

If you want more information about using journalctl commands to view and manipulate systemd logs, please check here.

7) How to install an opkg package in the eManager?

First of all, you can check which packages are already installed in your eManager using:

opkg update
opkg list_installed

If you want to install another package, you can use opkg list to see the available packages in the eManager that you can install. Then, to install it you must execute opkg install <package_name>, where <package_name> is the name of the desired package obtained from the list of available packages.

8) How to reinstall the original version of npm?

If you want to reinstall the original version of npm due to an undesired update, which can generate incompatibility problems, you have to execute the following commands:

opkg install nodejs-npm --force-reinstall
systemctl restart node-red

9) How to access the eCore/eManager without knowing the IP?

First, find out its hostname. It has the form


For example, an eManager-Pro with MAC address F8DC7A313CE8 has hostname eManager-Pro-313CE8.

Now you can use this hostname as an URL (as the path in a web browser) to access the eCore/eManager, by adding .local.

To access the Node-RED editor of the eManager in the example above you can use:


10) How can I install SQLite Node-Red node in the eManager?

To install the SQLite node in the eManager, the following steps must be followed:

Step 1. Update eManager packages using:

opkg update

Step 2. Install core-buildessentials package using:

opkg install packagegroup-core-buildessential

Step 3. Install SQLite package using:

opkg install sqlite3

Step 4. Install SQLite node in Node-RED using:

systemctl stop node-red
cd /var/lib/node-red/
npm install node-red-node-sqlite
systemctl start node-red

Important Information

This process may take around 20 minutes.

11) How to include certificates in the eManager?

You can find the system certificates in the following path:


To add certificates in Linux, you must copy the certificate in the /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/cert.crt path and run:

sudo update-ca-certificates

To add certificates to Node-RED you must set an enviromental variable called NODE_EXTRA_CA_CERTS to the certificate path as follows:
