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Node-RED Guide

Node-RED is a programming tool for wiring together hardware devices, APIs and online services in new and interesting ways. It provides a browser-based editor that makes it easy to wire together flows using the wide range of nodes in the palette that can be deployed to its runtime in a single-click.

If it is your first time using Node-RED, you can check the Node-RED user guide to get familiar with it.

Custom Node-RED

The eManager ships with a custom Node-RED installation. Some customizations include:

  • Node-RED is managed as a service by the systemd.
  • The eManager path for the Node-RED settings.js file is /etc/node-red/settings.js.
  • The eManager path for the Node-RED user is /var/lib/node-red. If a flow is created, it will be stored in /var/lib/node-red/flows.json file.

Never update npm package manager

Updating npm without the official opkg package manager may result in broken dependencies and unstable Node-RED.

Creating your first flow in Node-RED

You only need to access Webadmin, log in, and click the Node-RED card.

If you do not know the IP of your device, you can access Webadmin as it is explained here.


You can also acces Node-RED placing URL in a browser.

Then, if you want to create your first flow, you can start from the second step of the following tutorial:

--> Creating your First Flow Tutorial

Learn all the essentials about using the Node-RED editor following this tutorials.

Node-RED palette manager

Thousands of nodes are available in the Palette Manager so you can use Node-RED according to your needs. To manage the nodes, you can follow the following manual:

--> Palette Manager Manual

Installing new nodes can take some minutes.

You can also install Node-RED nodes using the console, as explained here.

Modbus package

The eManager Node-RED incorporates a Modbus TCP and a Serial node package to be able to communicate with most Modbus devices.

If you want to know more about this module, please check the following Modbus package tutorial.

Access security for Node-RED

Step 1. Generate the hash for the password

node-red-admin hash-pw

When it asks for the password, enter the desired password to access the Node-RED.

Step 2. Edit Node-RED configuration file

nano /etc/node-red/settings.js

Add the following content as an option inside module.exports (change the username and password you want):

adminAuth: {
    type: "credentials",
    users: [{
        username: "admin",
        password: "<GENERATED HASH>",
        permissions: "*"

Copy the hash generated in step 2 into <GENERATED HASH>.

Step 3. Restart service

systemctl restart node-red

Wait a few seconds for the service to restart and access from a browser in the client connected to eManager.


A watchdog have been incorporated to the Node-RED service to avoid that a service could get stucked when a certain flow is developed.

The watchdog is constantly monitoring Node-RED. If Node-RED does not respond during more than a specific time (2 minutes by default), this service will be restarted automatically.

Node-RED projects

Node-RED projects are a new feature of Node-RED which simplify redistributing Node-RED applications. Node-RED projects use Git under the hood which endows the Node-RED editor with essential version control tools. These include cloning remote projects or pull/pushing local projects to remote repositories.


Some Git users might find projects feature underpowered. For a more advanced Git experience we recommend using the command-line git tool in an eManager terminal. Keep in mind that every Node-RED project consists of a git repository placed at /var/lib/node-red/projects.

The following sections describe how to create your first project and how to set a remote GitHub repository. For the second, a GitHub account is necessary.

Step 1. Install Git

Open an eManager terminal with Internet connection and type

opkg update
opkg install git

Step 2. Enable projects

Edit the settings.js file stored in /etc/node-red/. Look for the projects block and set the enabled field to true:

// Editor Settings section
    editorTheme: {
        projects: {
            enabled: true,   // set this field to true
    // ...

Then restart the service

systemctl restart node-red

Step 3. Create your first project

Once projects feature is enabled open the Node-RED editor. It should show the following.

New project

Let's create a new project:

  1. Select Create Project.

  2. Enter your Github Username and your Github Email and then, press Next.

  3. Set a project name and a little description and press Next.

  4. Set a name for your flow file and press Next.

  5. (Optional) Configure your encryption credentials by using an encryption key.


    To encrypt it, you need to choose a key that will be used to secure the file. This key is not stored within the project. If someone else clones your project, you will need to provide them the key to decrypt the credentials file. Otherwise they will need to edit the flow to provide their own credentials.

Step 4. Committing project changes

Whenever you change a project file, such as by deploying a new flow configuration, it will be listed in the Local Changes/Local files section. Click the + button in order to stage the files for commit. Click the commit button and enter a message in order to stage those files.

Local changes


You have created your first project with local version control. Follow the steps below if you need to use remote repositories like GitHub.

Step 5. Add a remote repository

Once you have a new project created locally, you can configure your remote Git to update this new project into your GitHub.

To do so, go to the Node-RED menu, place the cursor on Projects and click Project Settings. Navigate to Settings and click on add remote.

Git remote

Name your remote repository (e.g. Remote name: origin) and add the URL of your remote repository in the URL field. Then click Add remote.

Step 6. Configure your Github token

For your local Node-RED to be allowed to interact with the remote repository you need to obtain an authorization (token) from the corresponding GitHub account.

Node-RED vs dropbear SSH client

Currently, eManager only supports HTTPS authentification for Node-RED projects. This is explained by an incompatibility between Node-RED 3.0 and our ssh client Dropbear. More on this in Step 8.

To do so, log in into your Github account, go to Settings and select Developer Settings.

Choose Personal access tokens/Tokens (classic) and Generate new token. Set a name for the token, select the expiration day and the scopes of the generated token. Once fulfilled the needed information, select Generate token.

We show how to use the token in Step 7.

Step 7. Pushing to remote

In order to push committed changes into a remote repository, select the Commit History section.


Node-RED will open a dialog requesting credentials while following these steps. The username is your GitHub username and the password is the token generated in Step 6.

Click the Up&Down arrows button and Remote. Create a remote branch if none, e.g. main, then press push. The remote repository in GitHub should contain now some init files together with your flow.json.

Remote changes

There is also a Branch button to pick the remote/branch to track.

Step 8. (Optional) Switching to SSH

Once we have a Node-RED project with https connection to a GitHub repository, we can use the command line to switch remote URLs from HTTPS to SSH. Read the Git and Dropbear SSH section section for a complete discussion on this topic.