Software Components
Application framework
Multi-language API: use the most appropriate language to develop each application (C, C++, Python, Go, Java...).
C++ based runtime library: optimize low-level processing power to allow optimal user application.
Toolkit: all tools that you need already adapted with the IoT (Node-RED, EdgeX Foundry...).
Linux application
- Linux applications: all the applications you already know on Linux at your service.
Linux distribution
Board support package (BSP): defines interfaces and optimize hardware.
Long-term supported Linux kernel (LTSI): hosted and maintained by Linux Foundation.
Free open source packages: all system required packages (BusyBox, NTP, DHCP, PPP...).
Development environment
SDK: collection of software development tools to manage user application, developed with any programming language.
Yocto build system: recipes, layers, and configuration files to produce images and packages.