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New in image release 22.10.

ChirpStack is an open-source LoRaWAN Network Server which can be used to setup LoRaWAN networks. It is composed by 3 different services: an application server, a network server and a gateway bridge.

Package installation

To use ChirpStack, you need to install some dependencies.

First, update the eManager and install Influxdb and Mosquitto packages:

opkg update
opkg install influxdb
opkg install mosquitto

Then, install ChirpStack, which includes PostgreSQL installation, and some dependencies of contrib PostgreSQL:

opkg install packagegroup-emod-chirpstack
opkg install postgresql-contrib

Finally, install the PostgreSQL client, to configure databases:

opkg install postgresql-client

PostgreSQL database configuration

1. Create database

First, stop all services related with ChirpStack:

systemctl stop chirpstack-application-server.service chirpstack-gateway-bridge.service chirpstack-network-server.service

Create the database environment using:

postgresql-setup initdb 

this command will create the database in the /var/lib/postgresql/data/ directory.

Then, start the PostgreSQL service and change the eManager user to postgres:

systemctl start postgresql 
systemctl enable postgresql 

Finally, access to the postgres user:

su - postgres

2. Configure application server database

Access the PostgreSQL database client:


Create new user with username chirpstack_as with desired password:

create role chirpstack_as with login password '<PASSWORD>';

where <PASSWORD> is the desired password for this user.

Then, create the database for the chirpstack_as user:

create database chirpstack_as with owner chirpstack_as;

Access the new database created for ChirpStack application server:

\c chirpstack_as

Finally, enable required extensions and exit psql:

create extension pg_trgm;
create extension hstore;

3. Configure network server database

Access the PostgreSQL database client:


Create new user with username chirpstack_ns with desired password:

create role chirpstack_ns with login password '<PASSWORD>';

where <PASSWORD> is the desired password for this user.

Then, create the database for the chirpstack_ns user:

create database chirpstack_ns with owner chirpstack_ns;

Access the new database created for ChirpStack network server:

\c chirpstack_ns

Finally, enable required extensions and exit psql:

create extension pg_trgm;
create extension hstore;

4. PostgreSQL databases configuration

Open the following file:

nano /var/lib/postgresql/data/pg_hba.conf 

In the METHOD column, change ident for md5 in IPv4 local connections and IPv6 local connections:


ChirpStack configuration

If postgres user is active, exit to the root csationr:


1. Application server file configuration

Open the ChirpStack application server file:

nano /etc/chirpstack-application-server/chirpstack-application-server.toml

In the [postgresql] section, change the dsn content for the following:


where <PASSWORD> is the password used to create chirpstack_as user.

In the [application_server.external_api], fill the jwt_secret content with the output generated when executing the following command:

openssl rand -base64 32

A valid example would be jwt_secret="7VtnCUAhI+OhjMukF6tQ44n4j3zWrSk/CMhpPgrGAhw="

2. Network server file configuration

Open the ChirpStack network server file:

nano /etc/chirpstack-network-server/chirpstack-network-server.toml

In the [postgresql] section, change the dsn content for the following:


where <PASSWORD> is the password used to create chirpstack_ns user.

3. Disable SWUpdate service or change ChirpStack port

First option is to disable SWUpdate service, since this service is using the 8080 port, the same as ChirpStack. To do so, use:

systemctl stop swupdate
systemctl disable swupdate

Otherwise, you can change the port that ChirpStack service is using. To do so, modify the following line in the ChirpStack service file /etc/chirpstack-application-server/chirpstack-application-server.toml:


4. Start ChirpStack service

To start and enable ChirpStack services use:

systemctl start chirpstack-application-server.service chirpstack-gateway-bridge.service chirpstack-network-server.service

systemctl enable chirpstack-application-server.service chirpstack-gateway-bridge.service chirpstack-network-server.service

5. Reboot eManager

To reboot the eManager, execute:


6. Access ChirpStack


Once you enter to the eManager after reboot, it may take a while to run ChirpStack

You only need to put URL <eManager-IP>:8080 in a browser and the image below should appear. The default username and password is admin.
